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Education Support Plan
Team Kowhai

Seesaw is our main communication tool. During the holidays (Friday 27 March - Wednesday 15 April) we recognise we all need a break and so will not be setting new learning tasks. Recorded below are some optional ideas which you are welcome to try and post results to seesaw. We will be checking and admiring work weekly. 
We will send out a video message weekly.
From Wednesday 15th April we will be posting new activities by subject area and responding more regularly.

Reading books were given out on the last day of school that are appropriate for your child’s reading level. Reading a story from previous days is a good way to practise fluency. Please only read one new book per day. When you run out you might like to try Sunshine books - this link offers a two week free trial of levelled readers with accompanying worksheets and activities.

First please discuss the book by looking through it and talking about all of the pictures.  This is a time to look at the vocabulary that they might not know.  Point these words out and work them out together.  The objective is to make the reading experience feel fun and successful for them. 

We have just started focusing on a new reading goal of Connections Cat, where students make connections with the story and their own experiences or with other books they have read. This really improves their comprehension of the story. Here is an example of a worksheet we have been using when reading in our groups recently. 

Other fun things that you can do are:
·        Practice essential spelling words 


 Play word games such as I spy, bananagrams and scrabble.
·        Use Reading Eggs (tasks set weekly)
Epic for interest reading (class code qry0092)

Please spend no more than half an hour on this each day.

During the holidays Mathletics tasks will be set weekly. 
Here are the maths progressions that Kowhai students are working on. The goals your child are currently working on are available on Linc-Ed. Please also practise number formation! Lots of children find it tricky to record the numbers correctly.

Stage 2/3: I have been a beautiful butterfly working through counting from one using imaging.
1. Read any number from 11 to 20
2. Count forwards to 20
3. Count backwards from 20
4. Say the number after a number in the range 11-20
5. Say the number before a number in the range 11-20
6. Order numbers to 20
7. Understand groupings within 5 e.g. 3 and 2
8. Understand groupings with 5 e.g. 5 and 1
9. Understand groupings within 10 e.g 4 + 2
10. Know doubles to 10
11. Instantly recognise patterns to 10 (dice, tens frames, fingers)
12. Skip count in 2s to 20
13. Skip count in 10s to 100
14. Solve simple addition problems by counting all the objects or imaging in my head
15. Solve simple subtraction problems by counting all the objects or imaging in my head
16. Solve simple multiplication and division problems counting all the objects or by imaging in my head
17. Continue sequential patterns and number patterns based on ones
18. Find half and quarter of shapes or sets by equally sharing the objects

Stage 4: I have been a fantastic flower counting using advanced counting.    
1. Read any number up to 100
2. Count forwards from any number in the range 0-100
3. Count backwards from any number in the range 0-100
4. Say the number after any number up to 100
5. Say the number before any number up to 100
6. Order numbers in the range 0-100
7. Know addition facts that make 10 e.g. 8 and 2
8. Know teen number facts e.g. 10 + 2
9. Know the number of tens in decades e.g. 6 tens in 60
10. Understand groupings to 20 e.g. 17 + 3
11. Know doubles and halves to 20
12. Skip count forwards 2s, 5s & 10s within the range 0-100
13. Know multiples of 10 that add to 100 e.g. 40 + 60
14. Solve addition problems by counting on from the largest number in my head
15. Solve subtraction problems by counting back from the largest number in my head
16. Solve multiplication problems by skip-counting e.g. 4 x 5 = 5, 10, 15, 20
17. Read unit fractions ½, ¼, 1/3, 1/5 symbols
18. Find ½ and ¼ of shapes and skip count to find fractions of sets

Stage 5: Early additive Part - whole 
1. Identify and order any number up to 1000
2. Count forwards and backwards by 1's, 10's and 100's
3. Say the number 1, 10, 100 more/less with numbers to 1000 eg 145, 155, 165
4. Know and can order the unit fraction symbols ½, ¼, ⅓, , 1/10
5. Order fractions with the same denominator eg ¼, 2/4, ¾
6. Know how many tens in a number eg: 43 tens in 435.
7. Know groupings to 100. eg: 43 + 57.
8.  Know my addition and subtraction facts to 20.
9. Know multiples of 100 that add to 1000 eg: 400 + 600. 
10. Know multiplication & division facts for x2,x5,x10.
11. Know forward and backward counting sequences with whole numbers to at least 1000.
12. Know how many ones, tens, and hundreds are in whole numbers to at least 1000.

                            Please spend no more than half an hour on this each day.

1. During the holidays keep a journal. Record what you are doing and things you are grateful for. 
2. Research your favourite animal on Enchanted Learning 
Draw and label a diagram, make notes about the animal’s diet and habitat.

                          Please spend no more than half an hour on this each day.

Some great resources from Robyn, our music teacher.

Other learning Ideas

1. How to tie your shoes 
2. How to follow a recipe
3. Build fine motor skills ( draw, colour, knit, crochet, cross- stitch, sew, weave)
4. Have some inside fun!
See ideas below.

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